I have been wagering on the net or at brick and mortar gambling halls for many years. I have determined, the craving is able to take a hold of you and you will not even notice it till you are broke. Markedly if you are on a profit streak. I have been through uncounted thousands of clams in just a tiny period of time and even still on occasion, I sometimes go a bit too far. It appears you are only having sum excitement till you make a choice to pay attention to your squanderings and the anguish settles in, and then you keep advising yourself "I can likely earn it back" a number of times. It does not work. Then you get sick to your stomach and the harder you attempt the quicker you spend.
When you discover that you are ahead, STAY Ahead! When you begin to throw away, don’t convince yourself, "well only 1 more" a number of times, believe in me, this technique barely ever works. Say you are wagering on slot machines, have a number set aside prior to starting your gambling. DO NOT exceed this range, no matter how appealing. If you happen to succeed, put the winnings in an alternate pot. Don’t wager your earnings regardless of what happens. After you have wagered through your original set cutoff, stop. Call it quits, regardless if it’s on the net or in a brick and mortar gambling hall, do not stay around. At all times remember, there no doubt will be other days, another time. Obviously, this plan is able to function for any casino game that you bet on, be it bingo, poker, video poker, keno, 21 or any other casino game.
Remember, wagering should be entertaining not burdensome, nauseating work! If you are not enjoying yourself, you do not belong there. If you cannot afford the squanderings, don’t even begin.